We were walking out of the berm of our CP area. I hated the night ambushes! We were sweating! We walked in a line not too far apart because the last thing we wanted to do was lose the rest of the squad. It turned pitch dark. I strained my eyes to see the man in front of me. We headed for the ambush site. We were one click away, (1000 yards). Every sound was amplified by 10. My only thought right now is, "I could die tonight." I said to myself, "If it happens, I hope it is quick." I could hear every sound, yet, I could not see anything so I held my breath. We were not even at the sight, but my entire life was changing at that moment.
As I recall this experience; one of many in the bush, my mind goes immediately to the word of God. I now consider this Scripture:
Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."